Local Delivery in Oakville/Burlington from $5, free on orders over $39 - Canada-wide shipping for $25 - All prices shown in CAD - Orders made after Tuesdays may be shipped following week.
Psalm 65 in verse 9 says: You provide their grain, for so you prepared it.
As man-made hybrid wheat cannot compare to God’s original, so it is with God’s commandments.
In 1510, a man by the name of Martin Luther heard a prophetic voice speak to him three times saying, the just shall live by faith! He found this verse written in the book of Malachi chapter 3, verse 18. On October 31st, 1517, Luther published his essay, 95 Theses, to shout to the world that man-made commandments, hybrids of God’s Word, have no power.
Our bread uses Einkorn primitive wheat because so many suffer from man-made hybrid wheat used to make bread today. Our hybridized bread is an object lesson of history, as Luther wrote: man-made rules are hybridized commandments of God’s that can ruin man’s soul and have no foundation in God’s word, the Bible.
This book: the Great Controversy, takes us back to world-shaking events that took place with Luther and his historical counterparts to look at the world’s largest religion today, Christianity, and how it was hybridized from the primitive first century church to what it is today.
Whether you call yourself a Christian or not, this is history that everyone should know.
The writer Ellen G. White published the Great Controversy in 1858 with the same prophetic voice that inspired Luther. The book presents the primitive 1st century Christian church and its hybridization to the time of Martin Luther. It opens up the Bible to its reader, to be able to read the Bible with understanding. It takes the reader through history to the future church at the return of its leader Jesus Christ and how the battle for His true commandments become a worldwide test for all mankind.
Just look around you today, you too will see that these events are not far away!
Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty’ (John 6:35).
Local Delivery in Oakville/Burlington from $5, free on orders over $39 - Canada-wide shipping for $25 - All prices shown in CAD - Orders made after Tuesdays may be shipped following week.